William Robinson
William Robinson lives and works in Mi’kma’ki (Halifax, NS). As a multidisciplinary artist, Robinson creates installations that combine sculpture, sound, video, performance, score, photography, and printed matter. His work is often situational, frequently responding to specific buildings, sites, and objects. Influenced and directed by his interest in sound, performance art, musicology, architecture and his family history, Robinson engages collaborative and poetic processes that divulge the unexpected logic, design and history of specific sites and locations close to home.
Ray Cronin, “Review: A Sense of Place.” Vie des arts. June 15, 2022.
Maeve Hanna, “STAYING at The Blue Building Gallery.” Visual Arts News. Summer 2022. Print.
Matt Horseman, “Blue Art Group; Matt Horseman Meets Emily Falencki.” EDIT Magazine. Summer 2022. Print.
Works Available:
Contact the gallery for sales inquiries and full details : thebluebuildinggallery@gmail.com